Well, it's an exciting time for Happy Pixie!

I've been giving the whole business and website a new look.  The Homepage is getting another revamp and so is The Gallery section.  I'm in the process of adding a whole section dedicated to the fabulous card creation collection by Scrappy Gilly, showing examples of her crafting.  She has made some beautiful cards over the years and they are definitely worth a look for inspiration as well as admiration!

Last month I switched the whole website over to the new web address, changed the social media connections and played around with the colour scheme.  This still needs some tweaking but I'm mostly happy with the general colours.  I'm still trying to get the balance and proportions right.

At the very beginning of this month I have designed a new logo. I'm happy with my new little dancing Pixie!

I still have a lot of work to do on the website generally, which is leaving very little crafting time unfortunately.  I'm looking forward to getting back to the workshop so I can demo lots more for you and create lots more lovely things to put on sale in the online shop.

I'd best go and get on with it all!

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